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Useful tips, tricks and information

Automate Multiple WordPress Updates With Bash

April 22nd, 2016

Do you have lots of WordPress installations that you currently have to update manually? Fed up with logging into individual WordPress installations to perform your updates?

Below is a Bash script that can be used to quickly update multiple WordPress installations and their associated plugins from the command line.

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Posted in Development

jQuery FAQ

May 23rd, 2015

Whilst re-developing a client’s website this week we decided to spruce up the FAQ page using jQuery, whereby you click on a question to reveal the answer. However, before we started we set ourselves a couple of requirements: We wanted our new list of questions and answers to be presented via a definition list. This […]

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Posted in Development

jQuery tabs with Ajax content

November 6th, 2013

We’ve worked on a few projects recently where information on the page is divided up into tabbed areas. There are hundreds of jQuery plugins available for tabbed content, but not many which allow a mixture of on-page and external tabbed content.

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jQuery “animate scrolltop” only works once in Opera Mobile

June 27th, 2013

Here’s something frustrating that we encountered today. With jQuery we created a smooth scroll from a link to an anchor point on the same page using animate() and scrollTop. The problem is that Opera Mobile for Android has a nasty habit of failing to work if the user manually scrolls the page or has clicked the link once already.

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Posted in Development

jQuery terms & conditions link

February 26th, 2013

We’ve worked on a few projects recently that require a “I agree with the terms & conditions” checkbox at the bottom of a form or checkout page. Here’s a small plugin we developed to transform the “terms & conditions” link into an AJAX call to an external page of content.

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Posted in Development

PayPal Standard integration and 99 item limit

February 7th, 2012

If you’ve carried out a custom PayPal integration on your ecommerce website, you might find that there is a 99 item limit that can be passed via the Standard payment method. Any more than 99 products and they’ll be truncated, leaving you (and your customer) with an incomplete order.

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